Attribute as a verb

Attribute as a verb what does it mean? Give an example. As a noun it is similar to skill / characteristic

Thanks in advance.


Well, here’s the definition from Oxford’s dictionary:

  1. attribute something to somethingto say or believe that something is the result of a particular thing:

    • She attributes her success to hard work and a little luck.

This means that “hard work and a little luck were the result of her success.

  1. To say or believe that somebody is responsible for something, especially for saying, writing or painting something:

    • attribute somethingThe committee refused to attribute blame without further information.

This means that “the comittee refused to ascribe blame“.

  • attribute something to somebodyThis play is usually attributed to Shakespear.

This means that “Shakespear is believed to be responsible for writing this play

Another explanation by Oxford’s living dictionary:

  1. to attribute something to – regard something as being caused by something.

    • his resignation was attributed to stress” – stress was the cause of his resignation.
  2. to attribute something to someone – to ascribe a work or remark to (a particular author, artist, or speaker)

    • the building was attributed to Inigo Jones” – the building is ascribed to be the work of Inigo Jones.

Source : Link , Question Author : IrbidMath , Answer Author : SovereignSun

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