Can you decipher this structure please?

Of course, you can also choose to have your grades emailed to you.

In the above sentence, what is the grammatical role of “have”? What is the name of the grammar structure? I expect to see “be emailed to you” but the simple form of “email” is used.


It should be “Of course, you can also choose to have your grades emailed to you.”

Looking at this dictionary entry , it seems to be definition 6

to cause to, as by command or invitation

or possibly 4

to experience, undergo, or endure, as joy or pain:

This is a causative structure; see

HAVE = Give Someone Else The Responsibility To Do Something

Grammatical structure:

HAVE + PERSON + VERB (base form)

Examples of grammatical structure #1:

I’ll have my assistant call you to reschedule the appointment.
The businessman had his secretary make copies of the report.

Examples of grammatical structure #2:

I’m going to have my hair cut tomorrow.
We’re having our house painted this weekend.
Bob had his teeth whitened; his smile looks great!
My washing machine is broken; I need to have it repaired.

Source : Link , Question Author : Handsome Nerd , Answer Author : Acccumulation

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