Use of “both” (“singular” vs “plural”, “nominative” vs “oblique”)

I know that this is a possible duplicate of Is “both” singular? but the question was asked and answered more than 6 years ago and I don’t want to reopen a question of 6 years ago. Also, my doubt is not solved by the answers nor by the proposed links. So, here we are. Should … Read more

Is it proper to say that in contemporary English, certain pronouns are only have oblique and possessive cases?

Is it proper and/acceptable to say that Contemporary English only has Oblique and Possessive noun-cases? *To my understanding, Oblique case is a noun that functions the cases other’s cannot. In Early Modern English, we have Oblique, Nominative, and Possessive: Thou (Ye,) Thee (you,) thy (your,) and (your’s,) nominative, oblique, possessive, and possessive respectively. So such … Read more

fare thee well – grammar

Why is this sentence using ‘thee’ (which is, afaik the oblique case) and not ‘thou’? The second person singular -in this case- should be the subject, i thought. The subject is the one doing the action, so i’d intuitively use the nominative case ‘thou’, but instead here the second person singular seems to be the … Read more