Correct logical comparison: “Less fortunate than I am” or “less fortunate than myself”?

I am trying to write a sentence like this:

"I want to help those who are less fortunate than I am."

I am not sure about the last part and whether I am comparing the right things:
There’s three versions that I was debating:

  1. "…less fortunate than I am."
  2. "… less fortunate than myself."
  3. "…less fortunate than I.

I think it is the first version "I am" and that it might actually be equivalent to saying "myself." I am not sure.

Any help would be appreciated!


I think you just want to say: "I want to help those who are less fortunate" the "myself" or "than I am" is implied — they are less fortunate relative to you.

Source : Link , Question Author : nwu , Answer Author : Jeff Norton

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