does the slogan “furniture made by makers” make sense?

I am working on a slogan for a new furniture website that will feature furniture made by different individual makers and English isn’t my first language, so I was wondering if this slogan made sense:

furniture made by makers

Does that make sense? The idea behind the slogan is that it’s furniture made by small makers rather than big brand furniture makers like IKEA, etc. But I didn’t want to use the slogan furniture made by small makers.

Is this an acceptable and understandable and acceptable usage? My concern is that obviously big companies are also makers.


All furniture is made by someone – even if it’s produced in a factory (possibly in China) by mass production methods. The only furniture NOT produced by someone would be an objet trouve; some suitably shaped piece of rock or timber lugged in to be used as a chair, table or some other article of domestic furniture.

Dan Bron is absolutely right:

“Hand-crafted furniture, Furniture made by craftsmen, Furniture crafted by artisans, etc.”


“As it stands, I find ‘furniture made by makers’ a bit weak (and redundant).”

is totally untrue!

“A bit weak”, it is not “a bit weak”, it is not even weak! It is pusillanimous, flaccid to the point of being almost meaningless. This is ADVERTISING we are talking about. Being “weak” in advertising is inexcusable and, I’m sorry, ‘furniture made by makers’ falls well below being merely ‘weak’.

Source : Link , Question Author : user1227914 , Answer Author : dmk

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