Each other’s / each others’

This always nags me… I would prefer a logical as well as a grammatical explanation of it.

  • We enjoyed each other’s company.

  • We enjoyed each others’ company.

Which one is correct? Why is the other not?


Let’s take first the sentence

We enjoyed each other’s company.

This could be paraphrased as

We like each other.

On the other hand, the sentence

We enjoyed each others’ company.

uses the plural form of ‘other’. But a paraphrase like

We like each others.

seems absurd.

Each other“, as I’ve just discovered at a British Council page, is called ‘reciprocal pronoun‘. It has no plural form (a blog post).

P.S. The question has already been answered at SE English Language and Usage: Should “each” be followed by a singular or plural possessive?

Source : Link , Question Author : Neil D’Silva , Answer Author : CowperKettle

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