“few if any” vs “few, if any”

Below are two sentences for the discussion:

  1. There may be few if any other plumbers working in Moore’s town. (Source: from an LSAT)

  2. There may be few, if any, other plumbers working in Moore’s town. (This is my own adaptation by adding commas)

If I understood correctly, few means a very small amount of number. Also, By MW, "few if any" means not very many or none at all.

So is it correct to say: 1. expresses two possible scenarios: 1-2 other plumbers and none; whereas, 2. only mention the scenario of 1-2 other plumbers?

Thank you for the help.


The phrase ‘if any’ is parenthetical, no matter what is meant.

A parenthetical phrase (which can be a single word or a quite long clause) adds meaning to the sentence in which it appears but is not a fundamental part of the sentence.

Parenthetical phrases should always be surrounded with punctuation either parenthetical commas, brackets or, in some cases, dashes.

This means, as Mozibur Ullah says in a comment above, that the first sentence is incorrectly punctuated. Changing the punctuation does not change the meaning.

In the above paragraphs the parenthetical phrases are written in bold type

Source : Link , Question Author : Lenny , Answer Author : BoldBen

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