How would you indicate a single direction trip?

This question came up today in the office. We sell single direction bus trips through our site ( but have not agreed on which English word(s) should be used in text.

Is it one-way or one way? Does one or the other communicate that “way” is a noun (e.g. direction) as opposed to a verb (e.g. method to an end)?

We consulted the Wikipedia disambiguation page, One-way, which links to pages like One-way traffic. This English for these pages would suggest “one-way” is the appropriate word. The images on the traffic page, however, has two words.

Thanks in advance!


The correct expression for a ticket is one-way:

(Of a ticket) allowing a person to travel to a place but not back
again; single.

The confusion is that on the sign it is not referring to one-way traffic, but rather to the one way that you are permitted to travel on the street: one direction.

enter image description here

In reference to the ticket, one-way is the adjective modifying the noun ticket. In reference to the sign, one is the adjective modifying the noun, way.

Source : Link , Question Author : MattTheRat , Answer Author : ScotM

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