Is there a word for a question that leads to more questions?

I’m looking specifically for a word (noun or adjective) that means “A question that leads to more questions”. Something that is difficult to answer because it would involve answering yet more questions that arise in answering the original question and so forth. Preferably of a higher “domain” or “scope”. For example:

What is the specific emotion ‘love’? → What are emotions? → What is thought? → so forth.

Maieutic is very close but to my understanding refers more to a constructive method of reasoning. I’m looking for something between that and ‘baseless’ or ‘unfounded’.


I’d say that the question is a Pandora’s box. See definition at Merriam Webster,

Something that will lead to many problems.

Also, the question is a can of worms.

Source : Link , Question Author : klvs , Answer Author : vickyace

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