More formal way to say “check in with”

At my company we have an internal document that describes the processes we use for accomplishing a certain task. In this document we use the phrase:

Periodically check in with … to assess progress on …

I have been tasked with turning this internal document into something that can be shared with our customers and stakeholders.

I’m trying to reword “check in with” so it sounds less informal, but am drawing a blank. What’s a good replacement for “check in with?”


You can request, ask for, or provide a

status update

I’m not sure how to document this. It’s a phrase I’ve found useful when collaborating with people, especially for niggling them to make progress, or report their progress. For example, the subject line can say, “Status update?” and the body of the email can say, for example, “Let’s put something on the calendar this week for a status update.”

Source : Link , Question Author : Scott Mitchell , Answer Author : aparente001

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