Past simple in the second conditional

In the Friends TV show Phoebe complains about her bank and five hundred extra dollars in her account. She explains that she can’t spend that money in the following words:

Let’s say I bought a really great pair of shoes, do you know what I’d hear with every step I took.

Why does she use past simple saying I took? I thought it had to be like with every step I’d took take in the second conditional.

Could someone please explain what I’m missing and point me out to a rule or something about this?


First of all, I’d took is ungrammatical – the past perfect is I had (I’d) taken. But the past perfect is not required in conditional phrases like this.

If I could take a seaside holiday, as soon as I arrived I would go and look at the sea. (not as soon as I had arrived).

Source : Link , Question Author : E. Shcherbo , Answer Author : Kate Bunting

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