What does “with whom the actor is cohabiting as a parent” mean?

I am having trouble understanding this sentence:

A family or household member means a person with whom the actor is cohabiting as a parent, or guardian.

Is the actor the parent or guardian or is the actor the child?


The guilty party is ‘with whom,’ a standard shortcut that introduces confusion.

Let’s remake the original sentence into a few shorter ones:

A family or household member means a person. What about that person? That person is someone with whom the actor is cohabiting. In living together with that person, the actor connects with that person (that’s the with whom) as a parent or guardian connects with that person.

In the end, there are two requirements: The actor lives with the person, and the actor is that person’s parent or guardian. The original version avoids repeating ‘person’ by using ‘with whom.’

Source : Link , Question Author : mattz , Answer Author : Yosef Baskin

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