What is a more articulate method of expressing that one possesses technical aptitude?

I’m often confounded when trying to articulate in a concise manner that a person is literate or savvy in matters technical (i.e. computers, software, IT).

For example, I am composing an email with the following:

“I need to setup a time to present a more “high-level” demo for our Vice President of Technology. It would not need to be quite as granular as the previous demo, however this VP is technically knowledgeable so he may ask detailed questions about the application.”

I think “technically knowledgeable” may read a bit vague. It sounds to me like it could mean someone who is familiar with technology, or someone who is knowledgeable in the “technical” sense of the word about something else.

Describing someone as being “technical” is even worse in my opinion. Anyone know of, or use a better method to express this?


You have already used “savvy” to describe what you want, so try technologically savvy.

A basic definition of “savvy” is

shrewd, possessing practical knowledge

Which is pretty spot on, without being overly specific about how the individual came by that knowledge.

Source : Link , Question Author : Zane , Answer Author : Yorik

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