Where about is a ‘low brow’?

The following is from ‘The Blackhouse’ by Peter May

The real bastard was a short, stocky man with thick, sandy hair
Brylcreemed back from a low brow.

I know what a ‘brow’ is. I also looked up a ‘low brow’ in the dictionary but it doesn’t have a physical definition here Where about is a ‘low’ brow located on person’s brow in a physical sense? Is it somewhere right above one’s eyebrow?


A “low” brow refers to a forehead which is relatively short in height as measured from the eyebrows (from the top of the orbits of the skull) to the hair-line (e.g. Neanderthal). A high brow is just the opposite. Traditionally (pseudo-science) these cranial features have been associated with lower and higher intelligence, respectively.

rendering of a Neanderthal man

Source : Link , Question Author : whitecap , Answer Author : Tᴚoɯɐuo

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