Which is correct: “The next chapters will be dedicated to conduct case studies.” or “The next chapters will be dedicated to conducting case studies.”?

Which is correct?

"The next chapters will be dedicated to conduct case studies."


"The next chapters will be dedicated to conducting case studies."

Please also indicate what the general rule is in this sort of cases (i.e., -ing or not -ing).


In the following sentence:

50’000$ were dedicated to conduct case studies"

something is a pre-requisite for conducting the case studies.

It is equivalent to:

50’000$ were dedicated in order to conduct case studies"

However, in the sentence:

"The next chapters will be dedicated to conducting case studies."

the chapters are not a pre-requisite, but only related to the conducting of the case studies.

If headlinese would not have been used, the sentence should have been written:

"The next chapters will be dedicated to the conducting of the case studies."

Source : Link , Question Author : Philosopher of science , Answer Author : virolino

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