A word for a light thud that a letter makes when dropped into the wooden mailbox

What is the word for a light thud that a letter makes when dropped into a wooden mailbox?


I found these results after doing a Google search on "envelope landed with a":

  • thud (7)
  • soft thud (5)
  • dull thud (3)
  • thump (1)
  • soft thump (1)
  • schlap (1)
  • thwack (1)
  • clunk (1)
  • clink (1)
  • tap (1)

The ones I think are most appropriate for a wooden mailbox would be:

  • thud, thump, tap, thwack

Other candidate words might include:

  • knock, rap, tick

and here are some adjectives you might consider:

  • muffled, quiet, quick, soft, dull, muted, faint

leading to several possible combinations, such as:

  • soft tick, muffled tap, dull knock, faint thwack, quiet rap, quick thump, muted thud

Source : Link , Question Author : user4550 , Answer Author : J.R.

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