About an idiom, bend over backwards

I need to know the reason why the idiom “bend over backwards” has
the meaning of “To work very hard to accomplish something for someone”.

He will bend over backwards to help you.

enter image description here

we usually bend over forward when we work hard, because we need hands.

Why does the idiom use “backwards” instead of “forwards”?


Bending forward is not a hard thing to do, we do it all the time, when we pick up things etc. On the contrary, bending backwards is quite hard, unless you are agile. The idiom itself originated from gymnastics. From the American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms:

bend over backwards

Also, lean over backwards. Exert oneself to the fullest extent, as in Dad bent over backwards so as not to embarrass Stasia’s new boyfriend. This phrase transfers the gymnastic feat of a backbend to taking a great deal of trouble for someone or something.

Source : Link , Question Author : GT Kim , Answer Author : Vilmar

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