An act of making a citizen work (spy?) against his own country

What’s the right word to describe an act of making a citizen of one country (by either paying him or, perhaps, setting him up in some way) start getting and sharing some important info about his own country?

For example,

The FBI forces finally ______________(ed) the Russian scientist Ivanov
in 1957. So, starting from 1957 he’s been sending all important
information about Russian militaries to the White House.

(or something like that)


The conventional term is turn, but it does not imply compulsion, as your term “make” does; it may involve payment or principled persuasion as well as blackmail.

And just by the way: the FBI is a domestic agency; it may recruit Russians within the US but would not ordinarily run or recruit agents abroad. That’s the job of the CIA.

The CIA turned the Russian scientist Ivanov in 1957.

Source : Link , Question Author : brilliant , Answer Author : StoneyB on hiatus

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