“Animal skin treated” – what does “treated” mean in this context?

The skin of animals like cows, buffaloes, goats, crocodiles, snakes and camels are treated and used as leather to make belts, shoes, bags and purses etc.

Can you please explain the meaning of treated in above sentence?

I saw this sentence in my book chapter.


“Treated” means processed in this context, here’s a relevant quote from wikipedia:

To make the parchment more aesthetically pleasing or more suitable for
the scribes, special treatments were used. According to Reed there
were a variety of these treatments. Rubbing pumice powder into the
flesh side of parchment while it was still wet on the frame was used
to make it smooth and to modify the surface to enable inks to
penetrate more deeply.

Treatment is basically the process of changing some substance properties by mechanical and/or chemical means. Like in, for instance, water treatment or surface treatment.

Source : Link , Question Author : Pankaj , Answer Author : shabunc

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