Can I use “concerned” like this? — “It detects [something] and extends [something] of the concerned jobs”

According to:

Concerned has the following meanings:


  1. interested or affected: concerned citizens.
  2. troubled or anxious: a concerned look.
  3. having a connection or involvement; participating: They arrested all those concerned in the kidnapping.

My sentence is the following:

It detects [something] and extends [something] of the concerned [things].

I am not 100% sure whether my use of the word “concerned” is correct here. I want to say that it only extends [something] to the [things] that did [something] that was detected. The closest definition would be the third one (involved).

Is it correct to use “concerned” here? Is there a better word?

Edit: The original sentence is:

A model detects the preemptions and extends the computation time of the [concerned] jobs.

I did not wanted to bring too much confusion with very specific words, but I understand that it might also be difficult to understand without…


If you use concerned, it should be placed after the noun it modifies rather than before. Before the noun concerned usually means worried or interested, and it will cause readers a moment of disorientation before they figure out what you mean.

In any case, I would use involved rather than concerned. Concerned isn’t exactly wrong—if you say the jobs concerned no one will misunderstand you—but it tends to be used in a more ‘active’ sense than involved: we tend to say that a single ‘higher’ entity is concerned with (or concerns itself with) multiple subordinate entities, while the subordinate entities are involved in the higher entity.

Employing the participle phrase of the jobs involved to modify both preemptions and times is entirely proper and grammatical, but it makes a complicated sentence a reader may have to read twice to understand. I would do it this way instead:

A model detects the preemptions of the jobs involved, and extends their computation times.

ADDED: It now appears that ‘the jobs involved’ are not all the currently running jobs but only those which have undergone preemption. That being the case, I now think the phrase ‘the jobs involved’ is ambiguously located, and possibly ambiguous in itself; I suggest this instead:

A model detects which jobs have undergone preemption, and extends their computation times.

Source : Link , Question Author : Maxime , Answer Author : StoneyB on hiatus

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