Definite article before adjectives?

This is the most natural and original drink.

Does the definite article before ‘natural’ also modify ‘original’? Or does it mean

This is the most natural drink, and it’s original.’

If so, then is this the most common way to use pair adjectives? Or actually below is:

This is the most natural and the most original drink.

I’m confused by the usage of definite article here, thank you for your help.


"The most" modifies both "natural" and "original".

"Natural" and "original" form an adjectival phrase and "the most" modifies it.

If you wished to write a sentence in which "the most" only modified "natural" then "original" would need an article.

The is the most natural and an original drink.

That sentence is open to misinterpretation, and personally I would rewrite it for clarity, e.g.

This is both an original drink and the most natural drink

is abundantly clear.

Source : Link , Question Author : Sil Zec , Answer Author : DJClayworth

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