Example of describing scientific transition process involving a third state in-between

Assume a process that goes strictly from state A to state B to state C. I would like to emphasize the endpoints (i.e., A and C) and indicate that state C is probably reached only via state B.

To do so, I used the following sentence, which drew substantial criticism from co-authors for using the phrase “via the mediation of”:

… revealed that several independent transitions from state A to state C occurred, probably via the mediation of state B.

What other phrase would you use to portray the correct relationships?


Other than being present in the process, state B does no mediation. So, e.g., children (a) reach adulthood (c) through youth (b). Insect eggs reach adulthood via larvae.

Source : Link , Question Author : Michael Grünstäudl , Answer Author : KWinker

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