Extend or go beyond a promise

Can one fulfill “beyond” a promise? Is it possible to say “extending the fulfillment of a promise”?

I am trying to express that I hope I fulfilled a promise and then some. This is for the acknowledgements of my thesis. I have written: “Many years ago I made a promise to my late maternal grandmother that I would do my best in getting admitted to a university. I hope this effort contributes to fulfilling that promise and beyond just a little bit more.”


JLG’s and Billy Moon’s answers are spot on. I’d add two things:

  • Your thesis does not contribute to fulfilling the promise, which was fulfilled before you were admitted; it contributes to fulfilling something else.
  • Fulfill is a very potent word, and it defeats its potency to employ it in a context where it is merely a stepping stone toward something else. It’s like (I date myself) bringing in the Beatles to open for the Monkees. Save it.

I’d go for something more like:

Many years ago I made a promise to my late maternal grandmother that I would do my best to get admitted to a university. I made good on that promise; I hope this effort justifies her insistence and contributes to fulfilling the larger dream she had for me.

Source : Link , Question Author : Kent , Answer Author : StoneyB on hiatus

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