follow up message

I am asking an expert for a piece of advise, I have wrote the message, but he did not answer. I am going to write a follow up. Which one is more tolerant and correct:

1) Hi Ann! How’s it going? Did you have time to go through my message?

2) Hi Ann! How’s it going? Did you get a chance to look my message?


The second one is missing the word at after look:

Hi Ann! How’s it going? Did you get a chance to look at my message?

Once that is fixed, both choices are OK. The second one is maybe slightly more polite since looking at a message is simple but “going through” sounds like more detailed work. I think you are just trying to ask if she has started considering your message, not whether she has analyzed it in detail.

Source : Link , Question Author : Julia1La , Answer Author : Justin

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