How is y’all’dn’t’ve pronounced

According to Wikipedia, y’all’dn’t’ve is a valid contraction.

I am having difficulty pronouncing the L-D-N-T-V consonant cluster, especially since there is no vowel at the end (silent E). Y’all’dn’t’ve any advice or audio samples would you?


I’d say this contraction of “you all would not have” as three syllables: [ˈjɔːɫ.ᵈn̩.tɘ̆v].

  1. [ˈjɔːɫ] is y’all, a contraction of you all that serves as the plural of you in Dixie-influenced dialects of American English. The l with a tilde represents a “dark” l, which I realize with pharyngealization (secondary constriction in the throat) and some other speakers may realize with velarization.
  2. [ᵈn̩] denotes a pre-stopped nasal, as in the Russian names Dnieper and Dniester. The tick mark below the n denotes a syllabic consonant. It is the same as the last syllable of redden.
  3. [tɘ̆v] has a slightly raised schwa in the middle, roughly like the last syllable of infinitive except not quite as fronted. The cup-shaped breve mark over the vowel marks it as extra-short.

Source : Link , Question Author : Adám , Answer Author : Damian Yerrick

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