How to describe someone who is more “respectful” to woman?

I know a guy or two that seem to be more respectful and more forwarding to a woman or women in general. For instance, a response may not be clear to this person when told by a man, but when told by a woman, they seem to grasp better attention. They also care more about the safety of a woman than a man, even if a man had a worse problem than the woman is having, yet they seem to direct their attention to the woman. They also get angry to slightly-offensive jokes told by men, and yet they laugh hysterically to women.
Despite these hypocritical acts, i don’t know a way to describe them, all i know is that i sense a sexual vibe from these 2 men, yet they claim not to be wanting any sexual relations with women. So in conclusion what would be the word / adjective to describe this gender-respectful act? And is there any alternatives towards men?


To add to @MathieuK.‘s answer, this particular form of sexism is called benevolent sexism:

Benevolent sexism is a form of paternalistic prejudice (treating a lower status group as a father might treat a child) directed toward women. … Benevolent sexism, however, is an affectionate but patronizing attitude that treats women as needing men’s help, protection, and provision (i.e., as being more like children than adults).


This is different to the stereotypical hostile sexism, and may be why you were confused.

Source : Link , Question Author : Red Beryl , Answer Author : marcellothearcane

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