How to translate a Brazilian term that means “sell company cars”

There is a process in Brazil called ‘desmobilização’ and I would like to know how to properly translate this term to the English language. So let me give an example:

Imagine a company having a few cars that their employees use. Now these cars are getting old and the company wants to sell it to buy new cars. This sale is exactly what we call ‘desmobilização’ in Brazil (I wouldn’t say in Portuguese because I don’t know if they use the same term in other countries that speak Portuguese).

This term would be literally translated as demobilization (as per Google Translate), but after a little research I could see that ‘demobilization’ is not used in the same manner as I want.

In Brazilian Portuguese, ‘demobilization’ means remove (‘de’) money that is “stuck” (‘mobilized’) in cars. This last explanation is not very good but I guess you guys will understand it.


‘liquidate’ works very well here. However you may (or may not) find that some people associate that particular word with businesses that are in trouble. (It doesn’t mean that… But businesses that are in trouble do have “liquidation sales” and “liquidity problems” so there is a degree of mental association.)

Another very appropriate word is divest.

Which has a nice balanced feel to it; you invest when you buy and divest when you sell.

Source : Link , Question Author : Bruno Krebs , Answer Author : H.R.Rambler

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