“in the farm” or “on the farm”

If I make a general statement about a farmer keeping his animals, should I use "in the farm" or "on the farm"? For example,

"Jack keeps his animals on/in the farm."

Or both phrases are okay?

If both are okay, do they still have some slight differences in meaning?


The idiomatic expression when referring to things or events that occur there is "on the farm".

That said, there could be valid contexts in which to say "in the farm", as this ngram shows, but you will see that "on the farm" is used far more often.

It would likely depend on what was meant by ‘the farm’. As it normally refers to the entire farm estate, a great deal of which is outdoors (traditionally, at least), it makes sense to say "on", like you would say "on the land".

Source : Link , Question Author : brilliant , Answer Author : Astralbee

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