Is a question mark needed?

Is a question mark needed after “kitchen”? I feel there might be as I imagine Bob has omitted “didn’t you?” from the end of the sentence. If it was there a question mark seems like it would be needed: “Well, you saw the mess he made in the kitchen, didn’t you?”

Bob: Tony’s getting worse.

Rob: He is?

Bob. Well, you saw the mess he made in the kitchen? Now he’s wrecked the bathroom too!


No, the question mark is not necessary.

However, its presence does not make the sentence incorrect even if Bob knows that Rob had seen the mess. This is an example of a rhetorical question.

A rhetorical question is a figure of speech in the form of a question that is asked to make a point rather than to elicit an answer. Wikipedia

Source : Link , Question Author : Jack , Answer Author : John Go-Soco

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