Is “I better focus” present or past tense?

Example sentence (past tense narration):

I better focus on the external world, especially on the front door waiting for me ahead. What would I find on the other side? Reality,

Is “I better focus” present tense (hence out of place in past tense narration). Or can be both present and past tense?

If it’s present tense by nature, what’s the past tense alternative?


The formally correct “standard” version is

I had better focus on X…

You’d better have that clunking sound checked out by a mechanic. It sounds like your wheel-bearing is shot.

with a backshift of tense reflecting that this is a form of irrealis statement: the better thing to do (which the speaker in the first example has not done and is not doing yet) is to focus on X, or, in the second example, to have a mechanic examine the car.

But many speakers say “I better focus…”.

You better give me your lunch money, punk.

It’s late. We better get going.

Source : Link , Question Author : alex , Answer Author : Tᴚoɯɐuo

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