Is there a difference between “?!” and “!?”?

Is there any difference between “?!” and “!?”?

The Wikipedia page on Interrobang describes:

In informal English, the same inflection is usually notated by ending a sentence with first a question mark and then an exclamation mark, or vice versa. Many people are unfamiliar with the interrobang, and would be puzzled when first seeing it, although its intention is usually self-evident. The interrobang can be hand-written with a single stroke plus the dot. One common application is in cartoons, as a stand-alone symbol of surprise.

Is there a difference, or are they identical?


You should be aware that most style guides will tell you not to use an interrobang even if you have one; moreover, a single sentence-ending punctuation mark is sufficient unless you are trying to emulate Hunter Thompson and go totally gonzo (and even Thompson did his freaking out in the writing, not the punctuation).

If you want to express a question emphatically, just use a single exclamation mark. People will be able to tell when you’re asking a question.

You ate the rest of the bacon, didn’t you!

The ! trumps the ? but should be used sparingly. See my answer to this question on Writers.SE for a little more background on this.

Source : Link , Question Author : gerrit , Answer Author : Robusto supports Ukraine

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