Is there a verb for “driving” a horse?

What is the word for the action of telling the horse you are on to move forward, turn left, turn right, or the like?

I assume “driving” would be the easiest to understand, but it sounds like it does not fit a living thing like a horse.

The word “controlling” seems most accurate, yet controlling an animal gives negative connotations, does it not?


You can turn a horse, stop a horse, check a horse (slow down or stop it), spur a horse (tell it to go faster). But if you want the verb that corresponds to drive a car, it’s ride a horse.

This is similar to a motorcycle; you can steer, turn, accelerate, or brake a motorcycle, but the verb that encompasses all of these is ride.

Source : Link , Question Author : user2738698 , Answer Author : Peter Shor

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