“Less for more” or “More for less”?

I don’t know if this belongs more to User Experience. Pardon me if it does.

Which is more suitable for kind of a slogan:

Less for more – The word less refers to the prices and money, more refers to the quality and amount of the product. Can be understud as that less refers to quality and amount of the product and more refers to prices and money.

More for less – Same as above, just inverted.

Which would be the clearer one, that more likely wouldn’t be misunderstud?


More for less definitely sounds like a better bargain.

Less for more sounds like the old joke "a bargain at half the price."

I would say the reason has to do with which of these two phrases sounds more natural:

Three for a dollar.

A dollar for three.

To my ear, the first does. I expect the goods to come first and the price to come second.

Source : Link , Question Author : Claudio , Answer Author : Aaron K

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