meaning of “Calmly and deliberately, she cut up his suits one by one.”

In the definition of "deliberately" in Cambridge English Dictionary, the second meaning which is "slowly and carefully" has an example: Calmly and deliberately, she cut up his suits one by one.

I don’t understand the meaning of "cut up" and "suits" in this example sentence.


As an example of a context for such thoughts, a wife who discovers that her respectable and successful businessman husband has been unfaithful to her might take revenge by spoiling his smart clothes, such his business suits (trousers, jacket and waistcoat). Here is a well-known example:

LADY SARAH GRAHAM-MOON discovered her husband Sir Peter was having an
affair before their divorce was finalised. They had been married for 27

Enraged, she cut off the arms of 32 of his £1,000 Savile Row suits. She also
threw five litres of white paint over his BMW, which was parked outside his
new lover’s home.

Lady Sarah, then 62, went back to their former marital home in East Garston,

She promptly left 70 bottles of his vintage wine — some worth up to £300 — on
his neighbours’ doorsteps with their pints of milk in 1992.

Sir Peter reckoned the stunt cost him £35,000.

The Sun

Your quotation may apply to similar circumstances. She cuts the suits into a number of separate pieces. She does so slowly and calmly. In doing so she destroys part of his public image, hurting his identity, attacking things that matter to him.

Source : Link , Question Author : Omid Sadeghi , Answer Author : Anton

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