Noun Subject Question: Comma or Not?

According to an answer key, there should be a comma before “called”. However, I thought it was part of the subject and in a subject, there should not be commas. Can anyone explain why there is a comma?

These single-celled survivors, called extremophiles, don’t merely endure environments too serve for other life forms.



These single-celled survivors, called extremophiles, don’t merely endure environments too serve for other life forms.

-called extremophiles is closed in by commas because the commas act as an appositive

Appositives are words that add information to a noun or noun phrase that precede them. They are always enclosed by commas.

In your example the added information = what the single celled survivors are called.

Here are a few more examples.

  1. Liverpool**, my home town,** is a wonderful place.

  2. My friend**, called Fred,** is not very clever.

  3. English**, my favourite subject,** is very challenging.

Appositives function to add more information and to make our language more interesting.

I hope that helps you.

Source: Advanced Grammar Course Manual. BC Ministry of Education, Canada.

Source : Link , Question Author : G.B , Answer Author : user242899

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