Should a suggestion have a question mark?


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have a question mark? It is a suggestion, not really a question, so I assume it shouldn’t have the question mark.


This is a rhetorical question:

A rhetorical question is asked just for effect or to lay emphasis on some point discussed when no real answer is expected. A rhetorical question may have an obvious answer but the questioner asks rhetorical questions to lay emphasis to the point. In literature, a rhetorical question is self-evident and used for style as an impressive persuasive device. –

Even though you’re not actually asking a question to which you genuinely want an answer, it’s a question nevertheless and it logically follows that it would need a question mark. Note that the examples on the linked page all use question marks as well.

There is a literary technique whereby sometimes a rhetorical question is written without a question mark, for example:

He sighed as the water rose up to his neck and the alligators closed in. “It’s going to be one of those days, isn’t it.”

The purpose of this is to show that the delivery of the sentence is an exhausted monotone and there’s no rise in inflection at the end, which is usually indicative of a question.

Source : Link , Question Author : ͢bts , Answer Author : John Clifford

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