Should I meet uniformity regarding using/avoiding contractions?

Which of the following is the most accepted rule regarding contractions (such as doesn’t, isn’t, …) in academic formal papers?

  • Never use contractions.

  • If you use contractions once in a paper, do the same everywhere else in that paper.

  • Use/avoid contractions wherever you like.


Rules accepted by whom? You need to consult a relevant style guide. Your academic institution should be able to provide you with guidance.

Individual institutions may well have their own rules, but they are likely to be very similar. For example, Birmingham City University (UK) has this to say about contractions in its style guide:

  • don’t (do not!) use contractions (eg it’s, he’ll, it’d etc): always use the full form (it is/has, he will, it would/had).

Source : Link , Question Author : Sasan , Answer Author : Mick

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