Starting a sentence with “as also”?

Is it grammatically correct to start a sentence with “As also”?

I guess that the following example is not grammatically correct:

As also the product includes a clippy-like helper.

while this one is correct or sounds better at least:

Moreover, the product includes a clippy-like helper.


I’m not familiar with the formulation “as also”, but because of the “as” I’m expecting something of the style

 As he can run 100 metres in 9.8 seconds he's a great addition to our relay team

that is I’m expecting the sentence to explain a consequence. You say that “Moreover” is an alternative, so I’m interpreting your intention is to expand on some previously defined product capabilities.

 Moreover, the product does XXX and YYYY

This is grammatical, but whether this works well depends upon the context. Marketing blurb can all too easily descend into a breathless list of positive attributes, linked with “In addition” and “Moreover”. I would usually simply use a bullet list which then needs no connectors such as “in addition”.

See this reference for some more examples.

Source : Link , Question Author : bahrep , Answer Author : djna

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