Make a slogan sound native

My friend contacted me to help him to translate a slogan into English. The slogan is for the company, that is manufacturing food under its own brand. And the slogan in Russian (“едим сами, кормим семьи, советуем вам”) says something like: “we eat it ourselves, we feed our families with it, we recommend it to … Read more

“Leadership is our drive. What’s your?”

Here, you may find a call to arms of sorts by the Swedish most prominent telco. I was born Russian, and I live in Sweden, so English is just about my third language. And so the following line does not sound right in my head: Leadership is our drive. What’s your? Well, I want to … Read more

Is “New and Improved” an oxymoron?

It irritates me that advertisers often claim a product is “New and Improved”. Surely, if something is new (ie, has not existed previously), it can’t be improved! And vice versa! Answer There is no rule that says advertising language must adhere to perfect logic; however, in this case you are simply being too restrictive in … Read more

Is Apple’s Old Slogan, “Think Different”, grammatically incorrect?

Not too long ago, Apple Computer used the phrase “Think Different” as an ad slogan. Is this a grammatical error (that is, it should be “Think Differently”), or are they trying to say something else (and what would it be)? Answer Merriam-Webster claim that different as an adverb dates at least as far back as … Read more