What is the word for the edible part of a fruit with rind (e.g., lemon, orange, avocado, watermelon)?

This morning I found one avocado I bought had become over-ripe: part of its edible part had changed color and was no longer green. So I was trying to describe this to my friend and I wanted to say "Hey I wanted to make some smoothie with this avocado but I found it over-ripe and part of its ____ has changed color."

I wanted to find a word to fill in the blank. I speak Chinese and in Chinese we call the edible part "fruit flesh". I’m wondering what the English word is.

A quick googling gave me the word "pulp", but it looks like "fruit pulp" is created by processing the "fruit flesh" and it’s not the "flesh" itself.


As the post suggests it can be called the


1.2 The edible pulpy part of a fruit or vegetable.
halve the avocados and scrape out the flesh

Calling it ‘pulpy’ doesn’t mean it has been squashed. It means the soft part that isn’t the skin/rind or pips/stone.

You don’t have to call it ‘fruit flesh’, just ‘flesh’ will do when the fruit has already been mentioned.

Hey I wanted to make some smoothie with this avocado but I found it over-ripe and part of its flesh has changed color.

From Lexico.

Source : Link , Question Author : yaobin , Answer Author : Weather Vane

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