Word for “Get the last values” in the context of coding

I’m translating the documentation for a program, and I want to write that a certain function gets the last values you’ve entered. I’m stuck on the word "Query" (as in "Query of the number of found 3D points of the last call of DisplayPosScan") but I don’t like this sentence at all. There are too many "of" somehow, and it just doesn’t look good. I think it’s because of the word query, but I’ve looked at this single sentence for so long that it doesn’t make any sense anymore.

So to clear things up a little bit, the function I’m writing about (NumberOfFoundPoints) gets the amount of 3D points of the last time the function DisplayPosScan has been called, then it returns this value as a String.


I think returns is the word you want:

NumberOfFoundPoints returns the number of 3D points as of the last time the function DisplayPosScan was called.

Source : Link , Question Author : Cyhiraeth , Answer Author : Barmar

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