“Big budget” vs. “large budget” — which one to use?

What is the difference between big and large? I am trying to use one of these words but I’m skeptical which one is the right one.

The context I intend to use one of these words in is:

Small companies don’t have big/large budgets.

So which one is the better choice?


The usage stats from the British National Corpus (BNC) and the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) look as follows:

                       BNC      COCA      

big/large budget      10/9     98/22     
big/large budgets      3/3     25/16      

So on the east side of the pond, it’s a tie, while on the west side, big is preferred.

(The numbers have been manually corrected to exclude — lots and lots of —
occurences of large budget deficits/surpluses/cuts/increases,
big budget crisis/fight/debate/gap/deal, etc.)

Source : Link , Question Author : Hossein , Answer Author : RegDwigнt

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