Is this correct English? What should one do when you’re supposed to have *two* punctuations at *one* position?

This is the first sentence of which
ground-breaking document:

“The importance of a Web page is an
inherently subjective matter, which
depends on the readers interests,
knowledge and attitudes.”

In the paragraph above, is “This is… document” correct English? Also, theoretically, shouldn’t there be two punctuations after “document”, a colon, and a question mark, since it’s a question. What do you do in such a case?

Possibly related question: A colon after "following"


Is there a problem with the English?
As a question, the English is fine.

Should there be a colon and a question-mark at the end of the first line?
No, the question mark belongs after the quotation.

What if the quote is a page long?
Reword the question: “The following is the first page of which ground-breaking document?”

I note that this rewording does now somewhat resurrect the question in the title, but the question mark now dominates here IMHO.

Source : Link , Question Author : aviraldg , Answer Author : Mark Hurd

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