punctuation when a quoted question is followed by a reference

In my Closing Argument (for an administrative-type hearing), I invented a concise way of referring to page numbers in the Parent exhibit book, for example:

There was no follow-up to R’s June 22 suggestion to meet in September (Q 202-203).

(Note there is no confusion between parent exhibits and respondent (school) exhibits because the respondent exhibits don’t use letters, only numbers.)

Now for my question. Is the following punctuated correctly?

The parent responded on 10/13 to request clarification: “Bla-bla-bla. What sorts of evaluations do you have in mind?” (Q 224) The parent further expressed a preference for avoiding November due to the father’s work obligations (Q 224-225).

Would it be better to put a period after the reference to Q 224?

The parent responded on 10/13 to request clarification: “Bla-bla-bla. What sorts of evaluations do you have in mind?” (Q 224). The parent further expressed a preference for avoiding November due to the father’s work obligations (Q 224-225).


I broke the quote up into two parts:

The parent responded on 10/13 to request clarification: "Bla-bla-bla. What sorts of evaluations do you have in mind?” (Q 224).

The parent further expressed a preference for avoiding November due to the father’s work obligations (Q 224-225).

The quote ending in a question was actually quite long so I decided it was time to begin a new paragraph. Side benefit, I was able to put in a period after the reference.

Source : Link , Question Author : aparente001 , Answer Author : aparente001

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