When you’re angry at a situation but there is no action you can take

In a situation where you are so angry at something, but there is nothing you’re able to do, and you quiver/shake, what is the word or phrase I’m looking for.

An example would be if a group of people harass you but you don’t dare retaliate, or a friend has been mistreated, but more thinking a situation where some other person is totally dominant over you and prevents you from taking action.

I guess an example would be: “I stood there quivering with **** rage” but I don’t know if it is a single word or a phrase I’m after… both are welcome.


Two possibilities come straight to mind: frustrated and impotent – both convey the sense that there is nothing you can do about the situation:

I stood there quivering with frustrated rage.


disappointed; thwarted: an announcer who was a frustrated actor.

having a feeling of or filled with frustration; dissatisfied.

From dictionary.reference.com


I stood there quivering with impotent rage.


not potent; lacking power or ability.
utterly unable (to do something).
without force or effectiveness.
lacking bodily strength or physically helpless.

Also from dictionary.reference.com

Source : Link , Question Author : Mr. Boy , Answer Author : Spratty

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