Word to describe what an academic degree is “in”

I am trying to describe the individual components of a a list of academic degrees:

AS Accounting

AS Marketing

BA Sociology

BA Economics

BS Accounting/Finance

BS Information Technology

The first ‘word’ is a two-letter code indicating the degree level (associate’s, bachelor’s, etc.).

Is there a word to describe the remaining content of the degree? Normally, I hear this described as “An Associate’s Degree in Accounting”, or “my bachelor’s in Sociology.” Other words I have considered but am unsure about include:




I am looking for a word or phrase that could complete any or all of the following sentences:

“The _____ of my associate’s degree is Accounting”

“The _____ of my bachelor’s degree is Sociology”

“The _____ of my master’s degree is Education”

A bit more context for my request – I am constructing a database holding information about a university, and trying to name the field containing the second portion of the values listed above (Accounting, Marketing, etc.)


Field of study is the generalized term for the subject of the degree given.

Source : Link , Question Author : AHiggins , Answer Author : SrJoven

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