How to prevent a sentence beginning with the word “The”?

I am writing a technical thesis and find myself using the word the an awful lot.

Here are some examples (I spare the technical gibberish):

The main purpose of the presented applications is to visualize roses in space. The user can run around and experience the roses from different angles. The position of the roses can be stored in the ROS-fileformat.

I tried to ask Google, but it filters out the main word the, which makes it impossible to find anything.


Perhaps use the indefinite article “a” sometimes instead? Or refer to things in general (or plural) or as mass nouns, so you avoid articles (see the first point here, and see this guide to how you can use nouns without articles).

The main purpose of the presented applications is to visualize roses
in space. A user can run around and experience the roses from
different angles.

And clauses to promote flow without always referring to a subject immediately:

The main purpose of the presented applications is to visualize roses
in space. By running around, a user can experience roses from
different angles. Positions of the roses can be stored in ROS-file

Source : Link , Question Author : user3054986 , Answer Author : lithic

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