how to figure out when to use have verb + ed & just a verb

What should be the right answer for the blanks. and please explain why its correct. Most decisions ______ several alternatives. For example,if you spend an hour studying for an economics exam, you have one fewer hour to pursue other activities. Answers: 1.involve 2.have involved 3.were involving 4.include Answer "Involve" is the correct choice. Statements that … Read more

Causative have: does the subject always initiate the actions?

Yesterday, I posted a question (in an another website) asking how the Causative Verb Have works. What I posted was like: I had my dog lick my hand And I got a good answer explaining that that the subject initiated the action and the object obliged. But still, I couldn’t grasp the idea. Whenever I … Read more

Best way to say the car was washed (exam question)

Only one is correct. Explain per item your choice and others alternatives are not correct. Please consider grammar concepts. Which of the alternatives is grammatically correct? A) Joshua had had his car washed. B) Joshua did his car washed. C) Joshua has had his car washed. D) Joshua has being having his car washed. Could … Read more

Is it wrong to use specific verbs instead “have”?

I can’t understand why my grammar book use the “have” verb at some situations like She had a coffee She was having breakfast Instead of She drank a coffee She was eating breakfast I think the “have” verb is a general auxiliary verb which can fit with many predicate words. I might to know which … Read more

Have something done

Why is the meaning of the following sentences different: Jenny had her car stolen Jenny had her cat killed The first sentence means that SOMEBODY stole her car. Why the second one means the opposite, that Jenny killed cat by herself ? How I can say in the same way that somebody other killed MY … Read more

Does “get” have a more active or urgent meaning than “have”?

We can think below sentences mean the same thing. But, I think, when I watch an action movie, I hear a lot more “get” than “have”. So, I think “get” has a more active or urgent meaning than “have.” He got you admitted to the hospital. He had you admitted to the hospital. He got … Read more

can ‘I have it uploaded’ and I’ve uploaded it’ be interchangeable?

Can I have it uploaded and I’ve uploaded it be interchangeable? Is there any differences between them? More question relating to I have it uploaded: Is uploaded used as adjective? When I’m writing on my own, this is so confusing. Somebody can give me more examples to understand like I have it uploaded? Answer There … Read more