Meaning of “-‘s” in “that’s had cake”

Below a part of subtitles from the Angry Birds movie. 77 00:04:25,400 –> 00:04:26,435 Get outta here! 78 00:04:26,520 –> 00:04:28,440 Already? But you’re the only one that’s had cake. 79 00:04:28,480 –> 00:04:29,480 What… 80 00:04:29,640 –> 00:04:30,640 Mmm. 81 00:04:31,040 –> 00:04:32,268 Oh, that’s good stuff. Can you please tell me what “-‘s” … Read more

When to use opening or closing single quotes

I’ve been discussing with a colleague which apostrophe/single quote to actually use in what situations. We’ve agreed to use the closing single quote ( ’ ) for possession. e.g. That’s his potato. Or in a quote within a quote. e.g.“Mary said ‘I like cats’ as she walked away.” What we cannot agree on the following … Read more

How is y’all’dn’t’ve pronounced

According to Wikipedia, y’all’dn’t’ve is a valid contraction. I am having difficulty pronouncing the L-D-N-T-V consonant cluster, especially since there is no vowel at the end (silent E). Y’all’dn’t’ve any advice or audio samples would you? Answer I’d say this contraction of “you all would not have” as three syllables: [ˈjɔːɫ.ᵈn̩.tɘ̆v]. [ˈjɔːɫ] is y’all, a … Read more

Breakdown and understand sentences containing contradictory(or somewhat opposite sounding) phrases

While I was reading today about the items that are sold in a 7-eleven, I bumped into this a sentence(5th sentence from top) like below on this page: Because Twizzlers ingredients do not include extracts of the licorice plant, they are referred to as licorice-type candy. It’s just me or the sentence is consisting of … Read more

What does “Mustn’t’ve” mean?

This word is pretty confusing to me. Please explain. Does it mean must not have? Answer Yes, this is a double contraction – the must is contracted with both not (giving us mustn’t) and have (giving us must’ve). If you do both, you get mustn’t’ve This is, however, very informal, especially in writing. AttributionSource : … Read more

Isn’t a “gonner” or “gonna” slang for a person about to die?

(I think this “blank” moment of mine is what is called in AmEng a brain fart, so be it) Isn’t ‘a gonner/gonna’ slang for a person who is about to die? It’s said in situations where, potentially, someone risks getting themselves killed. Maybe children also use it when play acting. I’m sure there must be … Read more

Does a contraction allow for the use of a preposition at the end of a sentence?

Does a contraction allow for the use of a preposition at the end of a sentence? Take the following sentence, for example: Where is it at (not correct grammar) and Where’s it at? (unknown) You wouldn’t say, for instance, Where is it at, but would the contraction Where’s in the phrase Where’s it at allow … Read more

“He Isn’t”/”She Isn’t” V.S. “He’s Not”/”She’s Not”

Is there a difference in usage between “he isn’t”/”she isn’t” and “he’s not”/”she’s not”? I think “he’s not” and “she’s not” are stronger because they put more emphasis on the word “not” than “he isn’t” and “she isn’t” do. Answer No there is not. Or no there’s not. 🙂 Isn’t is a contraction of “is … Read more