When whoever vs. whomever fails the he/him test

The following example fails the he/him test for whoever/whomever: Please give the key to whoever needs to open that cabinet. Give the key to him or he? Give the key to him. However, when asking who opened that cabinet, he works instead. So the question, then, is which part of the sentence do we perform … Read more

Complex object grammar and other things

I’ve seen a number of different phrases in different books describing the action of closing a door, and I’m not quite sure that I fully understand the grammar behind them. For example: (1) [He] clicked the door shut. / [You] push the door open. (2) The door clicked shut. / The door clicked open. The … Read more

“Come to life” vs. “come alive”

I’ve heard both phrases used but would love to learn what the difference is and if one is more proper than the other. E.g. The green paint really made it come [to life/alive]. Answer In most contexts they’re equivalent and interchangeable. But imho come alive is somewhat more likely to be used figuratively, and come … Read more

Which one is grammatically correct, with “have” or without “have”?

I have been admitted to the upcoming class and been planning to live in the dormitory. I have been admitted to the upcoming class and have been planning to live in the dormitory. Answer Your question concerns ellipsis, omitting one or more words obviously understood but needed to parse the grammar. For this to occur, … Read more

Future negation with two statements using “won’t”

I have a question about future negation using won’t. So, when I have a question that contains two parts connected by and and I want to make it known that those things both will not happen. So for example: It won’t be counted as a typo and cause problems for your registration. Would writing it … Read more

Is the punctuation correct? Why and why not?

In this sentence He took the money home, and was subsequently arrested on unrelated charges and is now in prison. Can somebody please tell me if the punctuation is sufficient and properly placed? I know the rule of comma before conj if it is connecting two independent clauses, but in my sentence, I am confused … Read more

Does “Predicate” includes object, complement and modifiers?

I’m currently studying the “Sentence Structure” for the English language. I’ve found varied information in this regard. Some sources says that the sentence consist of five components: Subject + Predicate + Object + Complement + Modifier Some other sources say that it consist of only two components: Subject + Predicate. Now, I’m confused, whether predicate … Read more